Virtual Michigan Music Conference | January 28-30, 2021

Tone and Tonguing for Band

How to teach from the podium the concepts of: a good tone, a good embouchure, and a good tongue. (“The better the tongue, the better the tone”)
This presentation will address the following questions: How to achieve a good tone for both the individual and the ensemble. There will be an emphasis on the brass embouchure.
How to teach tonguing: what part of the tongue is used, where to place the tongue, how to use the tongue and air to begin each tone?

Learner Outcome 1

Participants will learn techniques to achieve a good tone for their band, both for individuals and for the ensemble

Learner Outcome 2

Participants will learn how to describe to their students brass embouchure basics to achieve a characteristic tone for their instrument

Learner Outcome 3

Participants will learn to describe to their students how to achieve good tonguing for their instrument.


Virtual Michigan Music Conference | January 28-30, 2021

Education Clinician

Interested in a webinar or clinic, please contact David L. Wells.